A Sample CRUD Program and API
Over the next few months I plan on writing a simple CRUD program in different languages, sometimes with a separate frontend and backend, other times as one program. The whole goal of this will be as a learning experience for […]
jQuery – 6 Ajax
One thing I’ve seen a few websites do is a live login. Where as soon as you click login it will tell you if your password is right or wrong and progress onto the next step. The way this is […]
jQuery – 5 DOM
This part and part 4 are similar topic and in fact are over lapped a little bit. DOM stands for Document Object Model and is a model for how the page is structured, in a “tree” structure, a good resource […]
jQuery – 4 Data Manipulation
With jQuery you can also manipulate the actual HTML document. For instance you can do something so simple as adding text before or after content. Which in this case means at the top or bottom of a DIV element. To […]
jQuery – 3 Events
jQuery also lets you register events. This could be as simple as the click event for an element. Expressed for a DIV element with a class of test as $(“div.test”).click(). Inside click’s parenthesis you can make an anonymous function (function() {code here}) […]
jQuery – 2 Classes and Selectors
If you noticed from the example in part 1 to get the reference I need to hide the box I used what jQuery called selectors. In this case I used $(“div.message”) to actually get a reference to all the div elements […]
jQuery – 1 Getting Started
Now I am assuming that you the reader have some experience with HTML or JavaScript, it doesn’t have to be a lot. So long as you know about HTML elements such as a DIV or the DOM model in regards […]
First thing first, jQuery
Why pick jQuery when several sites have already covered it? To only be fair in comparison and to create a comparison between jQuery and other JavaScript libraries/toolkits. Plus I have a client needing work done and jQuery looks like the […]
Well, I need to improve my skills
For myself I have a desire to learn, mainly about computers. Which is a field that is always evolving and changing. Wait to long and risk your skills being outdated. I consider myself an intermediate PHP programmer, with a beginner’s […]